8 Things That Anonymous, The Hacker 'Terrorist' Group, Has Done For Good

8 Things That Anonymous, The Hacker ‘Terrorist’ Group, Has Done For Good

It’s easy to think of the hacking group  Anonymous  as a group of punk troublemakers, raising hell online. Some have even debated  whether their extra-legal protests should be labeled terrorist acts . But that would overlook some of the genuinely good deeds the group – whose members identify themselves with the  Vendetta mask  – has done. Whether it’s retaliating against kiddie…

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JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

Javascript Training Summary JavaScript is an open source and the most popular client-side scripting language supported by all browsers. JavaScript is primarily used to enhance a user’s interaction with a webpage. This online guide is ready to make you a JavaScript supporter! Javascript Fundamentals  Tutorial What is JavaScript? Complete Introduction with Hello World! Example  Tutorial…

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Password Cracking

Password Cracking & Online Casino

Authentication is the first step to measuring the security of a website, computer, and network. Various websites use a password-based authentication process to keep their users safe, even if you use password-based protection for your bank account, poker account, email account. etc. | Password Cracking | Therefore, before you make a decision and enter a…

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ANDRAX – The First And Unique Penetration Testing Platform For Android Smartphones

ANDRAX The first and unique Penetration Testing platform for Android smartphones. What is ANDRAX ANDRAX is a penetration testing platform developed specifically for Android smartphones, ANDRAX has the ability to run natively on Android, so it behaves like a normal Linux distribution, but compared to a common distribution Is more powerful! Why is Android so powerful? Simple, everyone…

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GDBFrontend GUI Debugger

GDBFrontend – An Easy, Flexible And Extensionable GUI Debugger

GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. Installing Deb Package (Debian / Ubuntu / KDE Neon) You can install GDBFrontend via deb package for Debian-based distributions. You can install it from following commands: echo “deb [trusted=yes] https://oguzhaneroglu.com/deb/ ./” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null sudo apt update sudo apt install gdbfrontend After…

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Severe Bugs Reported in EtherNet/IP Stack for Industrial Systems

The US Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Thursday issued an advisory warning of several vulnerabilities in the Opener EtherNet / IP stack, which could cause industrial systems to be denied service (DoS) attacks, data leaks, and remote code. Performance. All opener versions and versions prior to February 10, 2021 are affected, although…

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