National Portrait Gallery

National Portrait Gallery hit by 350,000 email attacks in three months

The National Portrait Gallery was targeted by 347,602 emails containing spam, phishing and malware attacks in the last quarter of 2019, Freedom of Information (FOI) requests have been revealed. According to data collected by think tank Parliament Street, over half of the emails, 194,620 were identified as directory harvest attacks (DHA), used to harvest legitimate…

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What is JavaScript? Complete Introduction with Hello World! Example Part 1

What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a very powerful client-side scripting language. JavaScript is primarily used to enhance user interaction with a webpage. In other words, you can make your webpage more lively and interactive with the help of JavaScript. JavaScript is also being widely used in game development and mobile application development. Javascript History JavaScript…

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Dialing Back Business Email Compromise

Dialing Back Business Email Compromise

Sophisticated cybercriminals continue to steal large sums of money from organizations of all sizes using business email compromise (BEC) schemes. Once the fraudulent payments are approved and transferred to the criminal’s accounts, they are very difficult to recover—and the targeted organization is liable for the resulting losses. Therefore, it’s vital to create a robust callback…

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GDBFrontend GUI Debugger

GDBFrontend – An Easy, Flexible And Extensionable GUI Debugger

GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. Installing Deb Package (Debian / Ubuntu / KDE Neon) You can install GDBFrontend via deb package for Debian-based distributions. You can install it from following commands: echo “deb [trusted=yes] ./” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null sudo apt update sudo apt install gdbfrontend After…

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Bob 1.0.1 – Hacking Challenge Walkthrough

Bob 1.0.1 – Hacking Challenge Walkthrough

The BOB 1.0.1 machine is available on VulnHub. It is intended for beginners/intermediates. Getting the initial shell was very easy although you may have to spend several hours finding the root. I would use Parrot Sec OS but you can use Kali Linux or any other Linux distro that you want. Open your terminal and…

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pureblood tool

Pureblood Tool – web Application Penetration Testing

Pureblood  Information Gathering and Security Auditing Tool Pureblood is a Python tool that can be used during the information gathering and gaining access phases of penetration testing. Pureblood can collect useful information about target web applications, such as Banner grabbing, WHOIS record, DNS data, reverse DNS lookup, reverse IP lookup, CMS information, ports information, admin panel paths, subdomain scan…

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Awesome Android Security

Awesome Android Security – A Curated List Of Android Security Materials And Resources For Pentesters And Bug Hunters

A curated list of Android Security materials and resources For Pentesters and Bug Hunters. Blog AAPG – Android application penetration testing guide TikTok: three persistent arbitrary code executions and one theft of arbitrary files   TikTok Persistent arbitrary code execution in Android’s Google Play Core Library: details, explanation and the PoC – CVE-2020-8913 Android: Access to…

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xrdp in kali linux

Starting up xrdp in kali linux

So, I wanted to give someone access to my Kali linux  box and this is what I did: Starting up xrdp in kali linux  following steps root@kali1:~# apt-get install xrdp Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done xrdp is already the newest version. The following packages were automatically installed and are no…

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Severe Bugs Reported in EtherNet/IP Stack for Industrial Systems

The US Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Thursday issued an advisory warning of several vulnerabilities in the Opener EtherNet / IP stack, which could cause industrial systems to be denied service (DoS) attacks, data leaks, and remote code. Performance. All opener versions and versions prior to February 10, 2021 are affected, although…

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